BAGHALI: Our Stomach How Do Work

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Our Stomach How Do Work

The stomach is a muscular hollow organ. It takes in meals from the esophagus (gullet or food pipe), mixes it, breaks it down, and then passes it on to the small gut in small portions.

The whole digestive machine is made up of one muscular tube extending from the mouth to the anus. The stomach is an enlarged pouch-like section of this digestive tube. It is located at the left side of the top stomach and fashioned somewhat like an outsized comma, with its bulge pointing out to the left. The stomach’s form and size range from character to man or woman, relying on things like people’s sex and construct, but also on how a lot they devour.

At the point where the esophagus leads into the belly, the digestive tube is typically saved close by using muscle tissue of the esophagus and diaphragm. When you swallow, those muscle mass loosen up and the decrease give up of the esophagus opens, permitting food to enter the belly. If this mechanism does now not work properly, acidic gastric juice would possibly get into the esophagus, leading to heartburn or an irritation.

The higher-left part of the stomach close to the hole curves upward closer to the diaphragm. This part is known as fundus. It is normally packed with air that enters the belly whilst you swallow. In the biggest part of the belly, known as the body, meals is churned and broken into smaller pieces, combined with acidic gastric juice and enzymes, and pre-digested. At the go out of the belly, the frame of the belly narrows to form the pyloric canal, where the partly digested meals is passed directly to the small intestine in quantities.

The belly wall is made of numerous layers of mucous membrane, connective tissue with blood vessels and nerves, and muscle fibers. The muscle layer on my own has 3 one-of-a-kind sub-layers. The muscle mass flow the contents of the stomach round so vigorously that stable components of the meals are overwhelmed and floor, and mixed into a smooth meals pulp.

The internal mucous membrane (lining) has large folds that are seen to the naked eye. These folds run towards the go out of the belly, offering “pathways” alongside which drinks can quick drift through the stomach. If you examine the mucous membrane below a microscope, you may see masses of tiny glands. There are 3 extraordinary forms of glands. These glands make digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, mucus and bicarbonate.

Gastric juice is made from digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and different substances which can be essential for absorbing nutrients – about 3 to four liters of gastric juice are produced in step with day. The hydrochloric acid within the gastric juice breaks down the meals and the digestive enzymes break up up the proteins. The acidic gastric juice additionally kills micro organism. The mucus covers the belly wall with a protective coating. Together with the bicarbonate, this ensures that the stomach wall itself isn't broken with the aid of the hydrochloric acid.

Menche N. (ed.) Biologie Anatomie Physiologie. Munich: Urban & Fischer/ Elsevier; 2012.
Pschyrembel W. Klinisches Wörterbuch. Berlin: De Gruyter; 2014.
Schmidt R, Lang F, Heckmann M. Physiologie des Menschen: mit Pathophysiologie. Heidelberg: Springer; 2011.
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